Author Winnifred Tataw explores kingdoms and worldbuilding in this fantasy novel full of secrets and twists in her latest book, The Sisterhood of Secrets.

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About the Book

The Sisterhood of Secrets
by Winnifred Tataw
Published 1 July 2022
Win’s Books LLC
Genre: Fantasy
Page Count: 233
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Author Winnifred Tataw explores kingdoms and worldbuilding in this fantasy novel full of secrets and twists in her latest book, The Sisterhood of Secrets.
The story follows Arcelia, her flawed family, and Prince Rodrick, as they tumble through the deserts and underground city of Siesa Arid. Everything has been off since she found out her mother could be a murderer with the whispers of lies and broken promises hanging over her head. She hopes that a visit to her twin cousins’ homeland of Siesa Arid may be the kind of family reconciliation she’s been hoping to have. Arcelia and Rodrick are troubled by threats from a criminal organization; they become overwhelmed with moral questions of right and wrong. All with the help and under the watchful eye of the Archangel and God of Life.
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“Hello Nik, glad you could join us.”
Alistine is dressed in a baby blue sundress decorated with birds and flowers. She had tucked her hair under a large sunhat, and her eyes hid behind an even larger pair of sunglasses. She had her youngest child and son, Janique, hanging off her hip.
Before answering her, I was bombarded by her other four children, Lala, Kick, Am’lee, and Rosa.
“Uncle Nik!” Rosa screamed. “Are you here to play with us in the sprinklers?”
That’s when I noticed the children’s colorful swimsuits.
“He can’t, Rosa, and his wings can’t get wet. They are hydrophobic,” the oldest Lala said matter-of-factly.
“Uncle Nik, what’s hi-dry-photo-tick?” Rosa asked.
“Uncle Nik, can we go flying while you’re here?” The second oldest Kick asked, giddy.
“Yes, please?!” Am’lee said shyly.
Alistine began to walk over to us. “Okay, my—as crianças, let Uncle Nik breathe.”
I chuckled as I lifted Am’Lee and Kick on my arms. “It’s fine, Ali. You know I don’t get to see the little angels too often.”
“Angels? You really haven’t seen—seen them in a long time.” She adjusted Janique on her hip. “Come on. We were in the inner bailey playing with the sprinklers.”
“Come to one, Uncle Nik!” little Janique yelled with glee.
“Got it. We’ll meet you there.” The kids shouted with laughter. I rounded the kids into my arms and shot up into the sky. We landed in the castle’s inner bailey. At least it looked like it was. “Is this it, kiddos?”
“Yup!” Kick confirmed. They wiggled out my arms and ran to set up their water fun.
The sun was out, not blazing. The smell of blooming trees and sunscreen filled the air. I glanced around and saw a couple of chairs and tables laid out. I walked over and stretched back in a seat, moving to make room for my wings.
I closed my eyes. “It’s so nice out here.”
“Yes, it is. I wish it stayed this way every day,” Ali replied, sitting next to me. Janique had freed himself from his mother to join his brothers and sisters.
“I heard the man call you Lady. I thought you were a princess now.”
“Not until my coronation,” she huffed, “which will be in about six months from our wedding day.”
“Six months? Why so far?”
She straightened her sundress. “Diar tradition. Still, all they will do is put a crown on my head and have a parade.”
“Are you excited about it?”
“I guess.”
I chuckled. Alistine always seemed to be forever uninterested in the royal things in her life. This time was no different.
“How is your husband doing?” I asked.
She removed her sunhat and ruffled her brown hair. “He’s been busy. The wedding made him put a lot of things on the backburner. Luckily, he’ll be home early today.”
“That’s good to hear; if I don’t see him today, send him my blessings.”
“Of course.”
I watched as the children ran around each other. A full-size fairy controlled the water systems, splashing the children as glee bubbled from their tummies. A thought of envy sparked in me for a moment.
“They grow bigger each time I see them,” I said.
Alistine relaxed in her chair. “They do, and I start longing for a baby again.”
“You guys are trying for number six?”
She scoffed, “Not anymore. Lala is almost seventeen, and Jan is starting kindergarten soon. So, I think we are done.”
A servant came up to us asking, “My Lady, would you and the Archangel like some tea?” I laughed. Hopefully, she didn’t jinx herself as she did for the last two children.
“You still drink jasmine tea, right?”
“Yes, I do, sugar, no honey, please,” I said. Alistine relayed the message to the servant, and he was on his way.
“S. Crawlers just bombed a city in Lomar, are you headed there?” Alistine asked, setting down her tea. A bombing happened about two days ago in Lomar’s underground city of North Ji-Hae. For a moment, I wondered if it was because of my decision, but there was no way for me to know.
About the Author

Winnifred or Winnie, as most know her by, is an artist, writer, and author of her debut novel: The Gods’ Scion: Child of Tempus. As a military child, Winnie has traveled extensively around the US East Coast and Germany, learning about the history, lore, and culture of each region. Winnie has spent the last two years writing and expanding the world of The Gods’ Scion trilogy series. Winnie has had a lifelong love of literature and art. As a new writer she wants to create beautiful fantasy world with compelling and intriguing characters. Winnie resides in South Carolina and is an undergraduate at the College of Charleston. She loves to spread positivity and joy to those around her, and look at the world through a glittery pink lens.
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