Peter Hynes has been writing poetry since he was a teenager. Someday he hopes to get it right!

Welcome to the January 15th stop on the blog tour for The Costume Box by Peter Hynes with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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About the Books

The Costume Box
by Peter Hynes
Published 31 October 2024
Tellwell Talent
Genre: Poetry
Page Count: 132
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This is the second edition of poetry written by Peter Hynes, after Under the Oak. I hope you enjoy reading these poems, and perhaps I can make you think about things you might not ordinarily think about.
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Under the Oak
by Peter Hynes
Published 11 April 2018
Tellwell Talent
Genre: Poetry
Page Count: 226
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Although his poetry has been published in several anthologies with other poet’s work, it has never been collected in a book of his own. This is the first.
Under the Oak collects poems previously shared, and some that will be new to readers. We have tried to include a broad sample, hoping to find something for everyone to enjoy and re-read in the future.
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Excerpt from The Costume Box
memory’s turntable
as I rolled up to the stop line
with the top down on the car
enjoying the warm sunny day
the car standing next to mine
had its windows down, radio loud,
and a familiar voice started singing
a song I know so well,
taking me away to times
when things seemed clearer
than they do to me now
the song’s lyrics brought out
a smile and a sing-along,
until the bright guitars rang out
lifting me even higher—
but then the light changed
and the car from which
the song had been playing
turned left as I turned right
but the song didn’t stop
because my memory took over
from the days when we
used to play that song in the bars
to get the drunken punters going
in my mind I heard the whole tune,
right to the final fading notes,
which rang in my head
just as if I was back
standing beside you, hand-in-hand
at that long-ago concert,
shouting the words together
it’s a vision of our yesterdays
that I’m trying to write for you,
but even if I’ve failed to convey
what tune it was that I heard,
I know you’ve got another
that will serve you equally well
if my words help to drop the needle
on your memory’s turntable
About the Author

Peter Hynes is a Canadian. He began writing poetry many years ago, in high school. His poetry has been published in various anthologies and elsewhere since. This is his first book of poems. He was born in southwestern Ontario. He still lives in the province with his wife and their small menagerie.
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Giveaway Alert!
Peter Hynes will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner.
a Rafflecopter giveawayJan 6 | Long and Short Reviews | Jan 7 | The Avid Reader |
Jan 7 | Author C.A.Milson | Jan 8 | Gina Rae Mitchell |
Jan 9 | Sandra’s Book Club | Jan 10 | A Wonderful World of Words |
Jan 13 | It’s Raining Books | Jan 13 | Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’ |
Jan 14 | FUONLYKNEW | Jan 15 | Westveil Publishing |
Jan 16 | Fabulous and Brunette | Jan 17 | Straight From the Library |
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What are the key traits of successful writers?
Sounds like a good book of poetry.
This book sounds like an interesting read.
We need more costume boxes in life.