What happens when a warrior priest from a strict religion meets a free-spirited priestess from a new age commune?

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About the Book

Warrior Priest
by Kate Hill
Published 1 August 2021
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Page Count: 339
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What happens when a warrior priest from a strict religion meets a free-spirited priestess from a new age commune? Jade and Selena are as different as two people can be, but to facilitate an alliance between their worlds, they engage in a cultural exchange. With their galaxy in danger from a planet that wants to conquer or destroy all others, they realize the importance of their assignment, but it is difficult for a warrior priest and a nonviolent priestess to understand each other. Selena is both attracted and appalled by his old school masculinity, and Jade is tempted to break his vow of celibacy until marriage due to his powerful desire for her. Will this unlikely pair not only find common ground, but unconditional love?
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They stepped into the darkness outside. Icy wind lashed their faces, and several inches of snow had already fallen. Jade liked the cold after the heat from the fireplace.
Selena took his hand, and they plowed through the storm toward the circle of houses. Despite her heavy coat, she shivered. He resisted the urge to slip his arm around her and hold her close. They had agreed to be more discreet about their relationship until their assignment ended.
Because of their detour to Lemo, Jade’s visit to Neidress has been extended for another week. He had just six days left with Selena. It wasn’t nearly enough.
At the moment, her expression was distant and serious.
“What’s wrong?” he asked. “After dinner, you seemed happy about showing me your house.”
“I was just thinking about what happened at dinner. Gabe had no right to speak to you that way.”
“It must be hard for members of your commune to understand our Order and our way of life. It’s not surprising for a priest to be passionate about his religion, so I understand Gabe’s reasons for acting like he did, even if I don’t agree with him.”
“We’re all passionate about our faith, but it’s just as important to be compassionate. Gabe is so self-righteous. I know it’s wrong, but he makes me furious. How could you stay so calm when he was saying those things?”
“I’ve faced a lot worse than insults,” Jade told her, though he was actually quite pleased with himself for not losing his temper.
Gabe had acted like an ass, but Jade had no intention of giving him the satisfaction of knowing that his words affected him in any way. A few insults wouldn’t reduce him to acting like the animal Gabe and probably many others here considered him to be. Not to mention Ari Tobias—the second highest-ranked priest in their Order—had been sitting beside him, no doubt evaluating Jade’s response to the situation.
“It was surreal,” Selena continued. “I can’t believe he actually said those things.”
Jade couldn’t keep from smiling. “I remember a certain priestess who said similar things at various times in our relationship.”
Selena stared at him in shock. “Jade, I never—”
“Arrogant, self-righteous, condescending, violent, inflexible, donkey-eared lunkhead. Does that sound familiar?”
“I didn’t say all that, and even if I did how did you remember it word for word?”
“How could I forget?”
“I’m sorry I said all that, even if you deserved it at the time, but that’s beside the point. I would never try to berate you at a social gathering.”
“I know you wouldn’t, and I wish you’d just let it go, Selena. Gabe isn’t worth the trouble.”
“No, but you are.” She gazed at him, and the urge to kiss her almost overwhelmed him.
He squeezed her hand and smiled.
She returned his smile and paused outside of a small house that looked very much like a gypsy caravan. A stove pipe extended from the snow-covered roof.
“This is my place.” Selena pushed open the door and guided him inside.
About the Author

Kate Hill is a vegetarian New Englander who started writing many years ago for pleasure.
When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, watching horror and action movies, working out, and spending time with her family and pets.
She also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.
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