No man likes to see a doctor at the best of times, but when the diagnosis is erectile dysfunction, it can feel like a life sentence.

Welcome to the December 7th stop on the blog tour for EDucation by Kelly Dawn & Rockie Dale with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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About the Book

Lessons to Manage Erectile Dysfunction
by Kelly Dawn & Rockie Dale
Published 23 August 2021
Tellwell Publishing
Genre: Non-Fiction, Self-Help
Page Count: 92
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No man likes to see a doctor at the best of times, but when the diagnosis is erectile dysfunction, it can feel like a life sentence.
There was a time not so long ago when talking about erectile dysfunction was taboo and rarely talked about in public. That began to change in the late ’90s, when advertisements for Viagra began to air on TV. Today, the erectile dysfunction business is a multi-billion-dollar industry with great promises and limited advice.
The authors of EDucation are a real-life couple who had to deal with erectile dysfunction early on in their relationship. They found a few books on erectile dysfunction, but they were very clinical in nature, so they wrote their own book filled with practical advice, like whisky dick is real and having a few before the lights go out is a bad idea.
EDucation is a light-hearted, helpful and fun view of erectile dysfunction for men and their partners!
Remember: it’s all in your head!
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The Wink You Never Got and Yet You Did
ED leaves a man deflated and lacking confidence. All of a sudden he has the diagnosis he has feared. How will others view him now? The more a guy worries, the more stressed he becomes and that negativity is what ED gets off on.
Positivity is key. Smile when you pass a woman! Heck, every woman! What you need is a boost of self-confidence. That is all you need to take the control away from ED. Once again, remove the stress, and you’ll be amazed at what happens.
It’s really not that difficult. As you’re walking down the street, in the bank or at the grocery store, just look the women you pass in the eye and smile at them. A simple smile, not a dirty leer that makes them feel like you are undressing them with your eyes! You will be surprised by the number of women who smile back and say hello. These women don’t know you have ED—all they know is that a friendly guy smiled at them, which gave them a reason to smile back. And you’ve moved that negative mindset you had to a positive one. That’s going to boost your self-confidence more than you believe. The positive reaction you get from others will mess with ED, and he won’t like it!
Don’t let ED stop you from flirting—other people are not the enemy! Flirting can relieve you of stress by reminding you that you are still the same charming, attractive guy you were before! It makes other people’s day better—and yours, too.
About the Authors

We are Rockie and Kelly, two people in their 50s, who met online after our marriages fell apart. The late 40s and early 50s are a difficult time for many couples, as the kids start to leave home and you wonder what the next chapter holds for you. There may be financial, career, relationship and — in particular — sex issues that suddenly rear their ugly heads.
We spent a long time talking and texting prior to meeting in person, and eventually, as our relationship grew, we were ready for intimacy. He was upfront from the beginning that he suffered from Erectile Dysfunction (ED). His honesty about ED helped us to deal with this and, as our relationship progressed, we found different solutions to improve our sex life. We also discovered that while there is a lot of information available about ED, most of the books on this topic are very clinical and serious. As time went on and we became better acquainted with ED, we decided that we wanted to take what we had learned and write a book that would be both helpful and humorous in order to help other couples.
You will notice that we have included a song at the beginning of each chapter. We felt the song lyrics had hidden meaning for us, from our point of view of ED. If you are not familiar with these songs, take time to listen to them and see if you can find or make the connection with Erectile Dysfunction.
It is important to note that we are not medical professionals, nor sex therapists, and do not offer a cure. We are here to give you fun and practical advice on how to live with ED and have a fulfilling sex life.
This book is meant for both men and women, whether new to the diagnosis of Erectile Dysfunction, or in the midst of dealing with it—married or otherwise. We hope it helps you find a new normalcy in the bedroom, and that you enjoy our straightforward and unconventional approach!
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Giveaway Alert!
Kelly Dawn & Rockie Dale will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
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