Over five hundred years ago, Tam Lin betrayed the Queen of the Fae, leaving her to be with his human lover Janet. Tom, a literature professor, knew the story.

I was granted complimentary access to Tam Lin by T.J. Deschamps via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to whoever approved me and my interest apologies for getting to it so late! My thoughts are my own and my review is honest.
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About the Book

Tam Lin: A Modern, Queer Retelling
Faerie Tales Book One
by T.J. Deschamps
Published 1 October 2020
Genre: LGBTQIA+ Paranormal Romance
Page Count: 90
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Over five hundred years ago, Tam Lin betrayed the Queen of the Fae, leaving her to be with his human lover Janet. Tom, a literature professor, knew the story. Adopted, he spent his life studying the stories of others and their families, never knowing his own.
When his boyfriend, Ariel, gifted Tom an all expense paid trip to Ireland to seek out his Ulster-Scots roots, he never expected to find out how his story tied into the legendary Ballad of Tam Lin.
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My Review
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
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This LGBTQIA+ paranormal romance novella is a modern and queer twist on the classic legend of Tam Lin. An young man, importantly an orphan who recently discovered his orphan status, is sent on a trip to Ireland as a breakup gift from his football player boyfriend with the blessing to go discover his roots. Thomas has absolutely no idea just how much he’s about to discover! Unaware of his connection to the ancient fae of the island by birth, Thomas finds himself entangled in a steamy and dangerous situation with the old dieties and other creatures of Tír na nÓg, and nothing is as it seems.
Overall this is a cute story with a lot of Irish folklore to explore and an adorably ignorant young man thrust headlong into the midst of it all. As someone who loves all of the stories of Tír na nÓg and its residents, I laughed at Thomas, not with him, when he landed in Ireland and understood absolutely none of the warnings offered to him.
This is a romance story, and I expected bedroom scenes, but oh my! Squeamish readers be warned, there’s a rather long and gratuitous scene about halfway through. If that’s not your style, you’re safe to skip ahead and just adopt the knowledge that Thomas is now quite fond of certain people.
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