Life is the journey we take on our way to Heaven.

Welcome to the March 22nd stop on the blog tour for Shine His Light 3 by Marie McGaha with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, more author guest posts, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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As always when we welcome a religious book onto this blog, I would like to give a reminder/disclaimer that the guest post portion’s author is not the author/owner of this blog. This is not my (blog owner’s) testimony and I cannot expand on it in the comments, but Marie McGaha may check in to answer your questions during our tour date.
Author Guest Post
Why Do You Write Christian Books?
I’ve heard that question more times than I can count! I didn’t always write Christian work, in fact, my first published book was a fantasy romance that didn’t sell a single copy! I love to read historical romances, fantasy romance, most anything romance, so that was what I chose to write, but apparently, everyone else likes to write romance too! When I finally was contracted for my second book, the publisher asked me to do one thing—write explicit sex scenes. I didn’t know how, so she instructed me and, as it turns out, I was pretty good at it. Over the course of a few years, I had more than 15 books published with nine publishers, and then I was asked to write same sex romance, which I tried. But I was never comfortable with the genre, and by the time I decided to stop, I had another few books written under a pseudonym. What stopped me? Conviction from the Lord. What does that mean? Well, in the Christian world, we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins, and lives within us through the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Through this relationship with Christ, we are to live according to biblical principles and when we don’t, the Holy Spirit kind of shakes us up on the inside to let us know we’ve stepped outside the rules. I had taken HUGE steps outside the rules and the Holy Spirit let me know. I felt very guilty and asked for my contracts to be canceled and my books pulled from publication, and all my publishers agreed. God gave me a talent for writing and expects me to use that talent for His glory to further the Kingdom of God. I wasn’t doing that, but after the books were all pulled, I began to write godly work. My first Christian book, When God Talks, It’s Time to Listen was published in 2012, and since then, I’ve written several others. Currently, Shine His Light 3 Instructions in Life, was released last October with the fourth and final book in the series being released this spring. It brings me great pleasure in being able to bring the word of God to others in a simple, easy to understand format. The love of God is for everyone and it’s not about being pious or perfect or even devout, it’s about a relationship with Jesus Christ, and it’s unlike any relationship any of us has ever experienced. The Holy Spirit isn’t a hard task master that just waits around for us to do something wrong so we can be sent to hell, on the contrary, He is simply our guide that keeps us close to God and intercedes for us when we do fall. No one is perfect, but God isn’t looking for perfect people, He’s looking for people with a contrite heart and a desire to love and be loved. Why do I write Christian books? Because the love of Jesus compels me to share His word with others and it’s done with great love from the Father to the Son, for each one of us.
About the Book

Shine His Light 3
Instructions in Life
by Marie McGaha
Published 2 September 2022
DWB Publishing
Genre: Christian Devotional
Page Count: 137
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Life is the journey we take on our way to Heaven. It’s not easy, it’s not pretty, and sometimes, it’s downright difficult. However, we have an Advocate unlike any other, Jesus Christ. In Shine His Light, the author uses scriptures and her own life lessons to help others get through the bumpy spots.
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When I was a kid, the series “Star Trek” was the greatest sci-fi show on TV, with the most up-to-date special effects. People disappeared in the transporter, we saw the Enterprise fly through the stars at warp speed, and of course, we saw really strange people and creatures from other planets. Sometimes, the planets were inhospitable and wouldn’t support life as we know it, so the crew moved on.
Of course, it didn’t take long for technology to leap forward and when I watch the old “Star Trek” episodes now, the special effects seem so antiquated, they’re something we laugh about. We can take what is already there and turn it into something better, something brand new and more efficient but we can’t take nothing and turn it into something. Only God can do that.
When God’s Spirit hovered over the face of the waters, He did not think it was inhospitable or that nothing could ever come from it. God looked at the waters and thought, I can make dry land. I can make light. I can take some of that dirt and form a human being. And that is exactly what He did. But He did not stop there, He formed a human being from a pile of dirt and then, He did something remarkable, He breathed His own Spirit into that pile of dirt and gave it life. That pile of dirt became the first man—a living, breathing, moving, thinking person. And God said it was “very good.” Up until then, everything created was called “good,” but man and woman were “very good.”
About the Author

Chaplain, author, editor and inspirational speaker, Marie McGaha lives in the beautiful Ozarks of southeast Oklahoma. After losing the love of her life, Nathan, Marie returned from the mountains of Idaho to their native home where she lives with a houseful of yapping furbies, pigs, chickens, and a horse named Horse! She attends Family Praise & Worship and is very grateful for her church family and their support. Shine His Light 4, the final book of the series, is due out next spring.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon | Goodreads
Giveaway Alert!
Marie McGaha will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveawayJan 18 | All the Ups and Downs | Jan 25 | The Avid Reader |
Feb 1 | Literary Gold | Feb 8 | Hope. Dreams. Life… Love |
Feb 15 | Sandra’s Book Club | Feb 22 | Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews |
Mar 1 | Fabulous and Brunette | Mar 8 | Gina Rae Mitchell |
Mar 15 | Rogue’s Angels | Mar 15 | Welcome to My World of Dreams |
Mar 22 | Westveil Publishing | Mar 29 | Straight From the Library |
Apr 5 | Long and Short Reviews |
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Thanks for hosting!
Sounds like a great read.
Marie McGaha is a new author to me, but I want to thank this blog for the introduction. I love that she has lots of animals. I love them best.
The book sounds very interesting. Love the cover!
I love the cover and think the book looks very interesting.