With only three weeks left in December, travel editor, America Greene, arrives in the idyllic Christmas Cove to find it… Christmasless!

Welcome to one of the November 22nd stops on the blog tour for Christmas Cove by Sarah Dressler with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, more guest posts, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
The Importance of Beta Readers
For many years, I was my own beta reader, and I can say with absolute certainty that that decision was an unfruitful one. There I was, believing that I was capable, and arguably the only qualified person, to rightly judge my own work. However, this only brought me to the unglamorous realization that my first novel was a total mess. The truth is, I needed fresh and reliable eyes to take a look. That first novel is currently shelved, and perhaps I’ll return to it some day, but writing the first awful book was the best education I could have given myself.
I learned that an author must passionately write the manuscript, and dispassionately tear it apart.
This is where beta readers can help. Fellow book lovers who read the mess of a manuscript and give thoughtful feedback with the goal of helping create a better story. Oxford defines a beta reader as “a person who reads a work of fiction before it is published in order to mark errors and suggest improvements, typically without receiving payment”.
Beta readers come from all walks of life. My go-to beta readers for my debut novel, Christmas Cove, include a fitness coach and a preacher’s wife. Having readers from diverse backgrounds and with varied interests only serve to make the story stronger.
In the case of Christmas Cove, the beta feedback encouraged me and helped me see the story through a reader’s point of view. Plot points that I saw clearly weren’t as clear to them, and characters that I gave little attention to were some of their favorites. Understanding the reader’s experience from cover to cover helps me to know where to spend my time and energy with the revisions. Ultimately, I write stories for you. I write to entertain and spark imagination and wonder. I write because I must, and my beta readers help me do my job better.
If you are a new writer, don’t overlook the need for early readers to see your messy, unfinished manuscript. Beta readers are a gem of a resource you don’t want to regret not having in your toolbox.
About the Book

Christmas Cove
by Sarah Dressler
Published 14 November 2023
5 Prince Publishing
Genre: Holiday Romance
Page Count: 231
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With only three weeks left in December, travel editor, America Greene, arrives in the idyllic Christmas Cove to find it… Christmasless!
America needs a story, and fast, so she teams up with the town’s good-looking (and eligible) mayor, Leo, to light up Main Street and salvage her chance at being a full-time writer. The connection between them heats up, halls are decked, sleigh bells ring, and lights twinkle. Just when she thinks the holiday is saved, a nearby city threatens the future of Christmas Cove. With her heart, and career, hanging in the balance, she must learn that Christmas is much more than just a place on a map before time runs out.
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Leo watched as America’s eyes lit up. The space was a winter wonderland, complete with dozens of flocked and lit trees. Soft glowing faux candles dotted the room, a live band played at one end, and there was more punch and hot cocoa than one could drink.
“This is beautiful,” America said as she took in the atmosphere.
“You’re beautiful,” he whispered. Though he couldn’t see if she heard him, her shoulder moved ever so slightly as though she did. “Is this the Christmas you were hoping for?”
“Close,” she said and took a turn around him while delighting in the moment.
America looked like the queen of the ball as they walked to the center of the space, and pride swelled inside Leo that she was on his arm. The crowd hushed and, as though they were witnessing something special, cleared room on the dancefloor.
Though they didn’t know who she was, her confident and relaxed posture commanded attention from everyone in the room. She sent Leo a knowing side glance as he twirled her around before catching her in his arm.
He took her left hand in his and her waist in his right. The room stood still in the breath just before the music began. A Christmas waltz. Leo knew this one well. He took her through the steps, and she followed his lead like a pro.
As the music swelled and diminished to a close, he captured her gaze. She radiated happiness.
“Where did you learn to dance like that?” America said breathlessly.
America whacked him in the belly as she laughed. “You did not!”
He liked teasing her. “Of course, I didn’t. My Aunt June insisted on weekly cotillion classes.”
“You surprise me.”
“I try,” Leo said and held her close.
Her arms draped over his shoulders and her head rested near his neck. “Thank you,” she whispered. “This is exactly what I imagined before I came here.”
“You imagined dancing with a dashing, yet approachable public servant in a snow-themed pavilion with a hundred eyes trained on you while your favorite song is played by a live band, while wearing a stunning gown and falling madly in—”
About the Author

Sarah Dressler, originally from Florida, now calls the mountains of Colorado home. Beginning her writing career as an award winning fashion blogger, Sarah now writes fiction full time. She has spent her life traveling the world, first as the daughter of a US Air Force officer, and later as a military spouse. She enjoys sunset walks with her husband of nearly twenty years, and raising two very busy teenagers.
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Giveaway Alert!
Sarah Dressler will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveawayNov 13 | Read Your Writes Book Reviews | Nov 14 | Literary Gold |
Nov 15 | The Key of Love | Nov 15 | The Avid Reader |
Nov 16 | Country Mamas With Kids | Nov 17 | Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess |
Nov 20 | Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews | Nov 21 | Dawn’s Reading Nook |
Nov 22 | Westveil Publishing | Nov 22 | Gina Rae Mitchell |
Nov 24 | Hope. Dreams. Life… Love | Nov 27 | Joanne Guidoccio |
Nov 28 | MacKade ~ V.V. Strange | Nov 29 | Fabulous and Brunette |
Nov 30 | Aubrey Wynne: Timeless Love | Nov 30 | Long and Short Reviews |
Dec 1 | The Writer’s Blog | Dec 4 | The Faerie Review |
Dec 4 | The Book Connection | Dec 5 | Boys’ Mom Reads! |
Dec 6 | Novels Alive | Dec 7 | travel the ages |
Dec 7 | Sapphyria’s Books | Dec 8 | Sandra’s Book Club |
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Thank you for featuring today’s author.
This sounds like a good story. Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like a good story.