Welcome to one of the February 2nd stops on the blog tour for Mommy’s Oven by Brandi Pearce, organized by iRead Book Tours. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for other reviews, guest posts and interviews with the author, and a giveaway! (More on that at the end of this post.)
It’s my birthday, by the way! Want to make my day? Leave a comment and/or visit the other tour posts I’m featuring today, which you’ll find pinned to the home page. Cheers!
Let’s start off with my interview portion with Brandi, then we’ll continue with information about the book, my review, Brandi’s info, and that giveaway!
Author Interview
Back story? When I was ill with Crohn’s disease, I thought my world was over. After so many close calls, 82 surgeries and 6 years in the hospital, I didn’t think I could experience worse. But years later when I received the call telling me that it was absolutely not possible for me to carry a child….I crumbled. I experienced a new, debilitating pain that was unbearable.
The idea that the one thing I grew up dreaming about my entire life was taken away by the same nightmare that had already wreaked havoc on my life, was devastating. But only God knows what he has planned for our lives.
After an amazing friend offered the most selfless gift of carrying our child, I knew the plan was better than I could have ever imagined. Don’t get me wrong, it was not easy. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. It was unbelievably hard on both of our bodies. It was financially and legally complex. However, it was worth every minute!
Surrogacy opened my eyes to a new world of miracles, and trust me, I thought I had seen them all. Now we have two of those incredible miracles and our lives are full of crazy messy fun, laughter and cuddles.
How did Mommy’s Oven Come About? When we started our second journey of surrogacy, I faced a new challenge. How do you explain to a very observant, inquisitive 3 year old, why we are having a baby but someone else is carrying it? How do you help him understand that the baby really is going to be part of our family? When we came up with this story, he not only loved it, but thought that it was so neat that he was the main character. That is when Mommy’s Oven became not just a story, but a tool in helping our son understand this exciting journey we were on as a family. After we told him the story, I realized we are probably not the first parents to go through introducing our child to a new sibling that didn’t come from mommy’s tummy. I was right!
Outreach I’ve received? I have received such incredible feedback from these families who have read Mommy’s Oven. I am amazed and beyond thrilled that it is truly helping others. What is really shocking, is that the responses are not only coming from those who are going through surrogacy. I have received messages from those who are going through miscarriages and trying to explain it to their children, people who are going through adoption who want their children to understand that families are made in several different ways, and even friends who are trying to teach their children life lessons about accepting, understanding, and appreciating families for their differences. The gratitude these families have shown for Mommy’s Oven as a tool for teaching, has been unbelievably humbling.
A neat story about me? When I was in the hospital, I came out of a coma and was nearly on my death bed. It was Christmas time and a man from my church came to me and ask me, “if you could have any one thing for Christmas what would it be”. When you feel like you are giving up hope, when you feel like nothing can save you from the inevitable….what do you ask for? I thought hard about this question and realized I didn’t want something for myself, but maybe I could help someone else. My mom and I had sat up many late nights watching TV and seeing St. Jude’s commercial. That is when it hit me. I wanted to be a partner at St. Jude’s. I wanted to help other kids and give them hope. The man left with this news and came back a few days later. He informed me that my request not only inspired him, but several people from his company. He then told me that over $1,000 a month would be going to St. Jude’s in my name. Making a difference lifted my spirits.
About future endeavors? This book has meant so much to me and my family. It has led me to a world of writing that I had no idea I loved so much! There may soon be a series called The Adventures of Augie and Ollie that helps kids comprehend difficult life struggles. I am also working on an inspirational personal story of my life-long battle with Crohn’s disease.
About the Book
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Mommy’s Oven
by Brandi Pearce
Published 2 February 2021
by Mascot Books
Genre: Children’s Non-Fiction
Page Count: 30
Add it to your Goodreads TBR!
In this true story, young August learns about how he will get a new little brother. He learns of how his little brother will grow in someone else’s tummy, not his mommy’s. Will he look like Augie? Will he grow for too long? Will Augie get to take his little brother home once he is born? Join August on this new, exciting adventure of getting a new little brother in a very unique way. If you are looking for a way to help your children understand that families can be created in many different ways, this is a story to keep on your bookshelf!
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My Review
My Rating: 5 Stars
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I was granted complimentary eARC access to Mommy’s Oven by Brandi Pearce in conjunction with iRead Book Tours. Thank you to all involved in granting me this opportunity! This has not swayed my opinion: my thoughts are my own and my review is honest.
Mommy’s Oven is a quick illustrated storybook for kids that tells the story of how little Augie’s baby brother came into the world with the help of a surrogate. The story is sweet, with age-appropriate answers to all the questions a child might have about surrogacy while still telling a complete story that can be enjoyed again and again. I would recommend this for families needing to explain surrogacy to any child old enough to sit through a 30-page storybook, be it because they themself were conceived that way and they have questions or because their parents or other close adults are expecting a child by this method.
The illustrations are absolutely beautiful, too! This book was just as much a pleasure to look at as it was to read. My only question/comment about the illustration choices is a couple images from when Augie’s baby brother is born. Surrogate Julia gave birth and would understandably be in a hospital bed in a robe, but why is Augie’s mom in a hospital bed in a robe? Being in a different room I understand. Sitting somewhere comfortable while holding the baby I understand. Looking like the person who just gave birth? A child isn’t going to question that, so no points deducted, but the parents reading this book might.
Overall this is a beautiful book that answers very important questions for small kids about a very niche topic that really isn’t covered all that well in kid lit yet. This book definitely fills the need it set out to fill!
About the Author
Having battled Crohn’s Disease for most of her life and after undergoing 82 abdominal surgeries, Brandi Pearce knew she wouldn’t be able to carry children of her own. After a successful surrogacy resulted in her son, August, years later, she wondered how to explain to August that he was getting a new brother who was growing in someone else’s belly. That’s when Mommy’s Oven, Pearce’s debut children’s, book was born. Pearce wants other parents to be able to teach their own children that every family creation is unique and special. She hopes to inspire hope in overcoming adversity, as well as true miracles with this book.
Giveaway Alert!
- Autographed copy of MOMMY’S OVEN (USA only) (1 winner) (ends Feb 22)
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Thank you for sharing the inspiring back story behind your book! It sounds like a great read and a wonderful way to explain a complicated topic to children.
Thank you so much for your review! I appreciate your views on Mommy’s Oven, and I’m so glad you found it enjoyable.
You’re welcome!