Hunt demons for thrills, then Netflix and chill.

Welcome to one of the many stops on the book blitz for the Brothers Salem series by Elizabeth Cole with XPresso Book Tours. Look for others participating in this blitz across social media and on your favourite bookish blogs August 3rd to 10th, and don’t forget to enter the giveaway! #PNR #KU #ElizabethCole #ParanormalRomance #demonhunters #XpressoTours
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About the Books

Keep Me Close
The Brothers Salem Book One
by Elizabeth Cole
Published 24 October 2017
SkySpark Books
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Page Count: 275
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Dominic Salem is many things: professional ghost hunter, curse breaker, and demon slayer to name a few. If there’s one thing he’s learned, it’s never pick up hitchhikers. Something about this one made him stop, though. Maybe he hasn’t learned his lesson yet.
Lavinia “Vinny” Wake doesn’t exactly trust her smoking hot ride. Her music is her sanctuary, the only thing she really believes in. But now, Vinny’s dreams have her all messed up, and the last one seemed too…real.
Dom can tell Vinny’s nightmares aren’t just dreams—they’re way worse. Something or someone is drawing her into a trap, and Dom has to stop it. Turns out Vinny’s life isn’t the only thing at stake. Her soul is on the line, too. No pressure.
The debut novel in The Brothers Salem, a new contemporary paranormal romance series where a trio of demon hunters–armed with spells and snark–are on a mission to slay some demons, break some curses, and get their girls. Unless the girls get them first.
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The sun crawled westward, hotter every minute. Vinny kept walking, relieved to be out of the creep’s car, but aware that this was not a great spot to be stranded. A low, pulsing headache began in the back of her neck and slowly spread upward. Sweat trickled down her face and the back of her neck in a steady stream. Her jeans were plastered to her skin. She wanted water. She needed water. She waited as long as she could to drink the last drop from her bottle, but it was mid-afternoon now, and things were starting to look pretty bad.
She automatically looked behind her every five minutes or so, hoping, praying that some speck in the distance would turn out to be a good Samaritan in an air conditioned SUV filled with lemonade.
Then she did a double take. Something glinted in the distance, the flash of sunlight on chrome.
She turned toward it and waited. Through the shimmering heat, a shape appeared. It was a motorcycle, not a car.
She moved to the very edge of the baking-hot asphalt and held up one hand, waving to it.
A miracle occurred.
The bike started to slow down.
She watched as the motorcycle slowed further, then stopped. The guy driving it put one foot on the ground, steadying the bike. He pulled his helmet off and pushed his black hair away from his face.
Vinny was glad she had her sunglasses on, because she knew she was ogling him. He was hot. Smoking hot. All bad boy in faded jeans and a shiny black leather jacket.
Are you kidding me? Vinny thought. The one person to stop looks like more of a threat than the guy who left me here?
The guy looked her over, too, though she couldn’t tell what he was thinking behind those very pretty eyes.
“You need a ride?”

Reach For Me
The Brothers Salem Book Two

Wake Me Up
The Brothers Salem Book Three
About the Author

Elizabeth Cole is a romance author with a penchant for history, which is why she lives in an old house in an old city. She can be found hanging around libraries and archives, or curled in a corner reading, cat on lap. She believes in love at first sight. Then again, she also believes that mac ‘n’ cheese is a healthy breakfast, so don’t trust her judgment on everything.
Elizabeth writes the Secrets of the Zodiac series of romantic spy thrillers set in the Regency period. The eighth novel, BREATHLESS IN THE DARK, is now available.
Elizabeth recently completed her Swordcross Knights series of medieval romances set in the beguiling word of Britannia during the period known as “The Anarchy”. Start today with HONOR & ROSES.
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Giveaway Alert!
Blitz-wide giveaway (INT): The complete series in ebook (3 novels + a novella)
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