Murder Undetected is the story of two strong women, one driven by selfish desire, the other by selfless love.

Welcome to one of the March 10th stops on the blog tour for Murder Undetected by Roxanne Dunn with Silver Dagger Book Tours (schedule linked.) Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, author guest posts, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
Where do I get my ideas?
I spent many summer vacations in a cabin at a high mountain lake like the one in Murder Unrehearsed. The cabin had a ghost, allegedly, if not in fact. That lent a spooky element to the place, and I often wondered what would it be like to find a body on the deck, or something equally scary, one dark night when I was there alone.
So, when my character, aspiring young actress Heather Shelton, wants to escape an untidy romance, she flees to the family cabin with her dog Bear. Expecting peace and quiet, she plans to focus on the script of Taming of the Shrew and practice for an audition.
What she gets is murder, and eventually, she must decide whether follow her life-long pattern of running from things that frighten her, or face her fears and fight. In the process, will she find new love?
The 1987 movie The Black Widow, inspired my second novel, Murder Undetected. In the movie, an FBI analyst suspects a wealthy widow of marrying for money and killing her husbands. When no one believes her, she decides to unmask the killer all by herself.
In Murder Undetected, my protagonist, newly minted psychologist Brittany Thornton, suspects Viane Thibaudet, the darling of a quaint hilltop village in Provence of getting away with murder. But no one is willing to listen to this crazy idea. Viane is their hero, the one who put their town on the map.
Brittany has plenty of problems already. She absolutely does not need another. And she doesn’t need to alienate her best friend. But can she give in to popular opinion and walk away?
About the Books

Murder Undetected
by Roxanne Dunn
Published 29 September 2021
Wild Rose Press
Genre: Mystery, Suspense
Page Count: 276
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The moment psychologist Brittany Ann Thornton thinks she has her life all dialed in, her perfect little family falls apart and the FBI seizes all her assets. Trouble follows her from Seattle to Paris to the south of France.
Viane Thibaudet, darling of a quaint hilltop town in Provence, has been getting away with murder. But when she attempts to poison her husband, Brittany steps up to stop her.
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“The rumor flying around Chevalier is that you tried to blackmail Viane. I know you’re a little crazy.” Arielle winked. “But not that nuts.”
“Actually, I did.”
Arielle’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”
“Seriously. I hoped if I could get hush money from her it would be tantamount to an admission of guilt, something I could take to the gendarmes.”
“That’s brilliant. So, now the whole town thinks you pushed her down the stairs because she refused to pay you.”
“They’re wrong. I didn’t push her. I kicked her.”
“Brittany Ann Thornton, where are your manners?”
Britt allowed herself a small smirk of satisfaction. “It’s okay. She pushed me first. After she drugged me with heroin and hit me with a ginormous frying pan. Then she was going to finish me off with a syringe full of nicotine.”

Murder Unrehearsed
by Roxanne Dunn
Published 31 August 2020
The Wild Rose Press
Genre: Mystery, Suspense
Page Count: 248
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When aspiring young actress Heather Shelton jumps in the car with her dog, Bear, and flees to her family’s mountain cabin to escape an untidy romance, all she wants is peace and time to study for auditions. What she gets is murder. The only witness of a savage killing—and squarely in the cross-hairs of a ruthless assassin—she is injured and left for dead.
Heather knows handsome men are bad news, but hottie lawman Matt McCrae’s smile gets her every time, until he leaves her hanging out as bait to trap the killer. McCrae promises to protect her, but fails, and she faces the killer alone, with only Bear to help.
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Matt stopped. His mouth hung open for a few beats. “What are you doing here?”
The darkest parts of me, those that I kept stuffed way down inside surged to the surface. My face burned with indignation. I was Kate the Shrew at her best. “How dare you! You and your pretty little Live Like King Tut fable. You kiss me and tell me you liked it. You say you are my biggest fan. You pretend to bare your soul. You think I can’t figure out what’s going on? All you want is for me to believe that you’re a good guy, so you can leave me hanging out for a pack of wolves. So I can end up as dead as Mariella. Well, damn you all to hell!”
Slick as spit, Matt reached out and took my hands. “It’s not like that.”
I wrenched away. “Keep away from me, you – you Judas!”

About the Author

Recently, I ran into an old boyfriend “You’re looking good,” he said, pulling me in for a hug.
I started to smile and say “thanks.”
“… for an old broad.”
Ah, well, being an old broad isn’t all that bad. Instead of rushing off to work each morning, I take my coffee out to my flower garden and plot.
Right now, I’m working on my third novel. Chloe Eugenie Duval finances her Paris apartment and extravagant lifestyle by picking up diamonds and other baubles left lying around by careless owners. I won’t be surprised if a body turns up soon.
When not writing, I’m trying to help save the endangered Pacific Northwest killer whales. And I cook, clean, garden, do yoga, text my grandchildren, update my website, phone my aunts, teach my husband how to make pie crust, and make sure I have clean underwear. My life is rich and full.
To quote essayist John Burroughs, “I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, and all the friends I want to see.”
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Giveaway Alert!
$20 Amazon giftcard – 1 winner,
ebook of Murder Undetected – 5 winners,
ebook of Murder Unrehearsed – 5 winners
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Thank you so much for hosting me on your blog. I love your site.
Roxanne Dunn
I love the covers, synopses and excerpts, this is a must read book and series for me. Thank you for sharing the author’s guest post and books’ details, I have enjoyed reading this post and am looking forward to reading these stories