Humans are on the brink of disaster…
Welcome to the September 14th stop on the blog tour for God’s Intervention by Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies with Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights, reviews, author guest posts, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
Is there a key lesson from your book that you want to impart to readers?
Human beings have an innate and very powerful instinct to help others in need. It is so powerful that regular people around the world routinely risk their lives to save strangers from harm.
When we help a stranger, we feel a warm glow within us like the feeling we get biting into a piece of homemade fudge. Unlike the sugar high from the fudge, the joy of giving warms our hearts for life.
If we individually are so compassionate, why is the world so full of hatred, intolerance and greed? And why do human societies and religions repeatedly end up waging war with each other?
The fundamental problem is that people in groups behave differently than they do as individuals.
I like Bob and would gladly go out of my way to drive him to a medical appointment or to pick up his car at the shop.
But when we are on the ice competing for the trophy, I am perfectly willing to cross-check Bob into the boards and knock his teeth out.
For tens of thousands of years humans have banded together in tribes and will fight other tribes to secure and protect resources. Many other mammals do the same thing. Unlike humans, however, other animals seldom kill members of their own species.
While territoriality and tribalism have helped human beings proliferate, they threaten our very existence now that weapons of mass destruction abound and we have pillaged and polluted the world’s resources to the point of no return.
The only way to align our human instincts with our tribal instincts is to create super-tribes that are global in scale and scope.
We have done this in the past on issues of common interest like eliminating polio or small pox.
We are doing it again on the issue of global warming, although there are still a lot of people not yet fully on board.
If we want a world united and at peace, we have to begin acting like a group of nearly 8 billion people stuck on a ball of molten rock hurtling through space at more than 1.5 million miles an hour.
We are more alike than we are different and our future is inextricably linked.
We need global institutions and causes that bring us together if we are to survive and flourish over the long term.
This is the message of “God’s Intervention: a second chance for humankind.”
With divine intervention through the god-like and impish Sarah, the path forward is told as part of an inspiring and entertaining story.
If divine intervention is not forthcoming soon, we still need to find a way to course-correct humankind.
What if 40 million living women came together around the globe to demand that world political and religious leaders begin working together for the good of all humans and our planet? I may have to write a sequel to lay out a plan for how this could come about.
About the Book
God’s Intervention
A Second Chance for Humankind
by Kenneth B. Little & Helen Davies
Published 29 April 2022
Tellwell Talent
Genre: Literary Fiction
Page Count: 698
Add it to your Goodreads TBR!
Humans are on the brink of disaster…
In the United States, President Samuel Cummings has taken the reins of a deeply divided country at a time when nuclear, chemical, biological and cyberthreats loom.
Things look bleak until God’s emissary Sarah, a composite of 40 million female souls from Heaven, arrives on Earth with the message that God is intervening in human affairs to save the human race from itself. God, she explains, is the life force of the universe, the only intelligent form of energy. People who help others grow their own life force will join God in Heaven. However, many humans are more inclined toward hatred, intolerance and greed and so God is intervening to course-correct them.
The first thing Sarah does is to announce God’s edict of ‘thou shalt not kill’ to the world. Anyone who tries to kill another person—or who enables someone to do so—will die instead. As commander-in-chief, Cummings must call back his military troops or risk his life. He must then deal with both the fallout and benefits of the dissolution of America’s military-industrial
Sarah’s mission is to establish a new world order that is kinder, better and united. As she guides the world through this evolution, President Cummings begins to notice a depth in his own soul that makes him both a better man and a better leader.
Sarah remains on Earth for one year to help the world come together, and
leaves behind a legacy of hope—a second chance for humankind.
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What is going on here? he wondered as he searched for a salient point in her face, something that would give a clue to her identity and intentions . . . but the more he tried to focus, the more she changed. This lady’s face shimmered in an unearthly way, though it consistently remained female. Perhaps it’s a hologram? Those damn Russians are capable of beaming something over here. And they’re probably in league with the North Koreans. Maybe it’s some type of spy-bot . . .
But even as he thought this, he knew that wasn’t the case because along with the unknowable face, the woman in front of him projected such a peaceful presence that he felt his shoulders slumping the way they did after a good sauna or a hot bath. For a second, he wondered if she was some sort of new holographic technology that also delivered nerve gas, and if perhaps he was dying, but then he decided that wasn’t possible. The feeling he was experiencing was not unpleasant—and he was sure nerve gas was. No, this couldn’t be nerve gas. It was too enjoyable, like being massaged from the inside out. In fact, it was so relaxing that he felt a need to lean on his desk for support, and so he did.
He glanced down at his hands on the desktop, his white knuckles ensuring he would remain upright for the moment, and then back up at her. Her ever-shifting eyes locked onto his. Are they blue? Green? Brown? he wondered—and instantly, he was transfixed. They were bottomless pools of . . . well, hope. And as angry as he was at this person’s unwelcome intrusion into his lair—the Oval Office, the seat of power for the United States of America—he was also mesmerized by the overwhelming sense of rightness she projected. It felt like whatever wrong he carried in his heart and mind was being put to rights, and with sudden insight, he understood that just being near her was relieving him of some long-held emotional burdens he was not even aware he was carrying. In fact, something about the woman in front of him was energizing him, making him feel stronger and more confident than he had in years, though she still hadn’t even uttered a word. He was awed, and without conscious thought, his resolve to be angry and defensive drifted away like steamy breath in winter.
And then she spoke, though he could swear her lips did not move. Her eyes, however, projected deep feeling into his heart, and he had to look away as she said, “Mr. President, I am of God. You may call me Sarah of God.”
About the Author
Kenneth B. Little is a 72-year-old retired business executive who is unhappy about how the state of the world has deteriorated during his lifetime.
The human population has ballooned from one billion to nearly eight billion, and people have moved off the land into massive cities where they have no ability to survive on their own. Instead, we rely on massive electrical grids energized by power plants largely burning fossil fuel; we’ve developed industrial complexes and global transportation systems that also rely on fossil fuel; we’ve created corporate farms that promote animal cruelty and destroy the soil by overusing chemicals; we’ve decimated our ocean marine life by dragging the ocean floor; we’ve created plastics that pollute land, rivers, lakes and oceans; and, of course, we’ve created nuclear, chemical, biological and cyber weapons that are now in the hands of unstable countries and terrorist organizations.
In short, we are racing headlong into a series of mass extinction events.
At seventy-two, Ken felt motivated to try to create a better world for his grandchildren by writing a fiction book full of non-fiction ideas that could potentially correct many of the world’s problems. Realizing that the only two avenues toward this were themes of divine intervention or mass extinction, he chose divine intervention as the solution, creating a scenario where God could step in to save humankind.
Ken wrote his initial manuscript during the Covid-19 lockdown, a 70,000-word overview that his wife told him read like a textbook. Deciding to see professional help, he engaged Tellwell Publishing to do a critical edit, which was performed by Tellwell editor Helen Davies.
Helen was intrigued by the storyline but, like Ken’s wife, felt it needed a lot of work to develop the characters and make it more engaging. With Tellwell’s blessing, Ken then contracted Helen to do just that. Thus began a most unusual and successful collaboration!
Says Ken:
Helen and I are completely different people. She is a writer, musician, and farmer. I am the grumpy old man who watches European business news when I get up at 3:00 a.m. We live as far apart as possible in Canada. She lives in Victoria on the West Coast, and I live in Fredericton on the East Coast. We have never met, yet we talked for nearly two hours on our first phone conversation. Usually, I never talk for more than five minutes with anybody on the phone. What unites us is that we share a passion for this story, and for the idea of a better, more united world.
During the writing process, Helen routinely sent me edited chapters, one at a time, always with the tagline, “I hope you like it.” I like it very much; the story I wrote that sounded like a textbook now brings tears to my eyes.
God’s Intervention: A Second Chance for Humankind is a story of hope.
We hope you like it.
Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies
Website | Goodreads Kenneth | Goodreads Helen
Giveaway Alert!
Kenneth B. Little and Helen Davies will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B&N gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveawayJune 29 | All the Ups and Downs | July 13 | Fabulous and Brunette |
July 20 | Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews | July 27 | Edgar’s Books |
Aug 3 | The Book Connection | Aug 10 | Aubrey Wynne Timeless Love |
Aug 17 | The Avid Reader | Aug 24 | Straight from the Library |
Aug 31 | Uplifting Reads | Sept 7 | Independent Authors |
Sept 7 | Long and Short Reviews | Sept 14 | Westveil Publishing |
Sept 21 | Gina Rae Mitchell |
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Thanks for hosting!
I liked the excerpt.
I hope you will read the book and that you find it both entertaining and thought provoking.
Thank you so much for the excerpt and the generous giveaway
Thank you for sharing your guest post, bio and book details, I have enjoyed reading about you and your work and I am looking forward to reading your book. The cover is beautiful and the synopsis and excerpt have intrigued me
Thanks for your interest and support Bea.
The book details sound great.
Helen and I hope you read the book and that you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
Thank you for sharing.
Helen and I hope you read and enjoy the book Kim.
Thanks for the rec. Sounds great!
Nina, I hope you read the book and find it fun and uplifting. The world needs a bit more hope these days.
TGIF everyone! I hope your weekends are full of reading and relaxation
I really enjoy stopping at different tour stops along the way. Some I can’t comment on, but I can comment on some.
Have you read any good books lately? If so, what are they?
This sounds like a really good read.
Helen and I hope you read the book and that it makes you feel better about the ultimate future of humankind.
What TV show can you watch over and over and still laugh?