Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion of what led to the beginning…

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About the Book

Dark Desires Origins Book Three
by Nina Croft
Published 13 September 2021
Entangled: Amara
Genre: Paranormal Science Fiction
Don’t miss the thrilling conclusion of what led to the beginning…
Insurrection, the third installment of Nina Croft’s Dark Desires Origins series, answers the final question of how it all began. When a demon from Earth falls for a woman on the other side of the galaxy, they must make the impossible choice between doing what’s right and doing what’s necessary. Light meets dark, good meets evil…and love hurts like Hell.
About the Author

Growing up in the cold, wet, north of England, Nina Croft spent a lot of time dreaming of faraway sunnier places and ponies. When she discovered both, along with a whole load of other things, could be found between the covers of a book, her life changed forever.
Later, she headed south, picked up the perfect husband along the way, and together they volunteered to work in Africa. There they discovered a love of exotic places and a dislike of 9-5 work. Afterward they spent a number of years travelling (whenever possible) intermingled with working (whenever necessary.) Eventually they stumbled upon a remote area in the mountains of southern Spain and the small almond farm they now call home.
Nina spends her days reading, writing and riding her mare, Gencianna, under the blue Spanish skies–sunshine and ponies. She reckons this is proof that dreams really can come true if you want them enough.
Nina’s writing mixes romance with elements of the paranormal and science fiction
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That cover is the bomb and the premise is so interesting.