Fate can have many paths. Which would you choose?

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About the Book

Shadowed Horizons
The Guardians Book One
by Reily Garrett
Published 13 May 2022
Genre: Paranormal Horror
Page Count: 273
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Fate can have many paths. Which would you choose?
Kiera’s capacity to face death stems from training, begun when old enough to wield a knife. Befriended by wolves and raised by a group of psychic men sworn to protect humanity, she now faces mercenaries intent on reshaping the world using equal talents.
Prodigious keyboard skills and innate curiosity has led Wyatt McGlauklin to invent the unimaginable. He’s long since claimed status as the top computer science geek. Little do people know, there’s much more to Wyatt.
When a blonde spitfire steps out of nowhere to prevent his assassination, his life’s direction takes an extraordinary turn where his analytical mind can’t validate paranormal phenomena.
Fate decrees Kiera find her life partner, but she learns you don’t always get to choose whom you love. Wyatt’s arrival challenges destiny as they combine forces to preserve the world as they know it.
A must-read for fans of for fans of CM Sutter, Dale Mayer, Dean Koontz, LT Ryan, and Fiona Quinn.
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Wyatt stiffened when something furry dropped onto his right shoulder. Warm and agile, the monkey wrapped its tail around his neck to secure its place with an arm around his head, latching on to his left ear.
“You have a monkey?” He thought keeping wolves was strange.
“He’s a Capuchin monkey. Name’s Simon.”
Wyatt held very still, not wanting to startle the critter that had jumped down from one of the ceiling fan’s paddles. “That explains the thickness of the paddles and size of the motor. Does he like to ride?” An image of the fan on low with Simon hanging by his fully haired prehensile tail and a primal scream filling the air came to mind.
“Yeah, but he gets so excited and makes so much noise, we don’t let him do it often.”
Wyatt held his hands out, an offering for the monkey to vacate his new perch, then slowly moved to pluck the primate from his shoulder. Round-headed with a white face, an eerie intelligence shone from deep within its gaze. “Capuchins are supposed to be one of the most intelligent of the New World monkeys.”
“He won’t let you forget it.”
“Um, Kiera. Simon is actually a Simone.”
In response, the monkey slapped Wyatt on the cheek and shrieked its rage.
“Ow. What was that for?”
“He doesn’t like to be referred to as a girl. And before you ask, he likes to perch high to have a visual advantage. It gives him a bird’s eye view. Of note, if he doesn’t like you, he’ll toss things at you while you sleep. He has a penchant for stealing and hording Dacien’s jelly beans.”
“Sounds like he makes good use of opposable thumbs.”
As if understanding the complexities of English, Simon patted Wyatt on the head before tweaking his nose.
“See? He likes you.”
Wyatt wondered what devilment the monkey stirred up and if he led or followed in Kiera’s steps. “Where’d you find him?”
About the Author

Reily Garrett is a writer, mother, and companion to three long coat German shepherds. When not working with her dogs, she’s sitting at her desk with her fur kids by her side.
Author of chilling suspense and snarky romance, her stories span the distance of romantic thrillers, paranormal romance, and erotic romance. Regardless of genre, each book delves into a dark and twisted imagination yet is tempered with romance and a touch of humor.
Reviews by Kirkus Reviews, San Francisco Bay Review, and BestThrillers.com best describe her work:
“This could be James Patterson, Lee Child, and Tess Gerritsen rolled into one, but the dark, twisted methods used by the serial killer could surprise even those readers…” – San Francisco Bay Review
“…steamy, seductive police procedural…” – BestThrillers.com
“…well-researched thriller that remains romantically genuine throughout.” – Kirkus Review
Prior experience in the Military Police, private investigations, and as an ICU nurse gives her fiction a real-world flavor. Find Reily below.
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