Welcome to one of the June 11th stops on the blog tour for the Bookminder Series by M. K. Wiseman, organized by Rachel’s Random Resources. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for spotlights and other reviews!
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About Book One

The Bookminder
The Bookminder Book One
by M.K. Wiseman
Published 9 Jauary 2016
Xchyler Publishing
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Page Count: 444
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Sired by magick and violence, sixteen-year-old Liara is found guilty of witchcraft and banished from her tiny village by the very priest who raised, then betrayed her. However, a mysterious mage steps forward to assume custody of her: Nagarath, the Wizard of Parentino, whose secret spellwork has long protected both Liara and Dvigrad from the ravages of war.
Despite Liara’s best hopes, Nagarath refuses to apprentice her to his craft but tasks her instead with the restoration of his neglected library. Liara gleans what magickal knowledge she can on the sly, determined to learn, come what may. But the first test of her stolen knowledge goes awry and renews an evil wizard’s interest in the people of the Limska Draga valley.
Only by tapping Liara’s inherent magick and joining it with his own can Nagarath protect Parentino from suffering a horrible fate. However, her discovery of his secrets destroys their fragile trust and ignites the darker tendencies of her gift. Now, he must rescue her from the influence of his mortal enemy before their powerful new alliance destroys them all.
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My Review
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
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I was granted complimentary access to The Bookminder as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Bookminder Series with Rachel’s Random Resources. Thank you to all involved in affording me this opportunity! My thoughts are my own and my review is honest.
What fantasy-flavoured bookworm doesn’t love a book about a magical library? I don’t know, but it’s certainly not me, because I’m all about this sort of thing! Liara is fairly self-absorbed and not the most likeable main character, but Wiseman’s writing and fantastic world compensates for that enough to still make the book enjoyable. I do hope Liara grows more as a person as the series continues, though.
The best character? Definitely Nagarath. Clueless Nagarath. Somebody please explain the ways of the world to this guy! Who decided he should be in charge of a 16-year-old girl?
I do like the Europe of the past, but make it magic setting and I get a Magician’s Apprentice feel from it, but I sort of wish the setting was another world entirely that just looks and feels like Earth. Or maybe another plane or something. Naples is now Parentino, but this is still just Italy under the added layer of magic.
About Book Two

The Kithseeker
The Bookminder Book One
by M.K. Wiseman
Published 21 August 2018
Xchyler Publishing
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Page Count: 338
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France, 1680
Liara’s defense of the Wizard Nagarath has rendered Anisthe incantate–bereft of magick–but even this cannot guarantee her safety. Because the death of her father-in-magick would seal the girl’s fate, necessity demands she and her wizard maintain a watchful eye on the war mage, while protecting her from his dark designs.
Anisthe has embarked on a journey across Europe, aided by his half-fey manservant with an agenda all his own. They search for a legendary mirror that contains the world’s most powerful magick. Although the stuff of fairytales, the possibility of its existence compels Nagarath and Liara to seek the artifact themselves. Both know that should Anisthe lay claim to that power, Liara would be at his mercy and not even Nagarath could save her.
Thus, the pair find themselves at Versailles, surrounded by agents who ferret out magick users and destroy them. Uncertain who is friend and who is foe, with their rival on their heels, they must discover the mirror before Anisthe releases its evil, or worse, it lays claim to Liara’s magick and brings doom upon them all.
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My Review
My Rating: 4 Stars
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We’ve packed up and taken the magic to France! Liara’s growing into herself as a young woman with magic, and she and Nagarath have a bad guy to stop. Who’s ready for the adventure to continue? I am! Time to trek across 17th Century Europe with a teenage witch.
As I had hoped, Liara is growing as a person and isn’t quite so insufferable as she was in book one. That said, Nagarath continues to be my favourite character. This book is presented in split POV between the two main characters, and although Liara was definitely growing on my this time, I still looked forward to getting back to Nagarath every time.
If you like YA fantasy, check out this series!
About Book Three

The Fatewreaker
The Bookminder Book Three
by M.K. Wiseman
Published 8 June 2021
Xchyler Publishing
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Page Count: 400
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England, 1680 A. D.
Liara and Nagarath’s enemy has unexpectedly come to their aid, surrendering to the magick-suppressing forces of the king of France so as to buy time for their escape. But that doesn’t necessarily mean Anisthe is on their side. Vrsar’s war mage, Liara’s father-in-magick, has never been a man do to things for others. And he has always has plans within plans.
In fleeing to England with his apprentice, the Wizard Nagarath realizes that Liara’s power is no longer her own to command. With the shattering of Khariton’s magick mirror in the Palace of Versailles, the young woman has become trapped in an alliance with the ancient and evil mage. What is more, at eighteen-years-old, her life remains tied to Anisthe’s for another two years per the Laws of Magick. Anisthe, who is now imprisoned for having helped them evade the king’s spellpiercers.
Forced to revisit his own past, Nagarath is finally learning that there are some histories you cannot outrun. As for Liara, the darkness within her heart is greater than she ever could have imagined. This after Dvigrad’s orphaned magpie having finally learned to love. For, in the words of Khariton himself, “In magick you can never have friends. Only rivals.”
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My Review
My Rating: 4 Stars
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Liara’s powers are no longer entirely under her control, and she’s found herself unwillingly allied with an evil mage. Both Liara and Nagarath have a lot of personal growth to get through in this one as they learn to make the best out of bad situations, find the good in evil beings, and face the parts of their pasts that they can’t outrun. Liara is 18 now and very much a blossoming young woman and no longer the headstrong girl of book one.
The action in this installment absolutely does not stop! Honestly, when I accepted all three books to review for the same single-day stop on this tour, I wasn’t sure that I would get to the third book in time. Luckily this one flew by! Definitely don’t skip to this one, you need to read this series in order, but know that you’ve got a wild ride to look forward to in book three.
While the real world Europe of the past but magic setting wasn’t my favourite back in book one, I do feel like the wrinkles have been smoothed out now, and I totally buy this version of 17th Century Europe. Add in some very enjoyable characters, a high-stakes plot, and magic? It’s a recipe for success!
Read these books if you love to escape into a fantasy world with a maturing YA protagonist and her still kind of clueless mentor.
About the Author

M. K. Wiseman has degrees in Interarts & Technology and Library & Information Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her office, therefore, is a curious mix of storyboards and reference materials. Both help immensely in the writing of historical novels. She currently resides in Cedarburg, Wisconsin.
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