I’m not sure who originally started this tag, and I was not technically tagged myself, but I found it on Howling Library‘s blog this week and I decided I’d do it. Why not, right?
In this tag you answer the bookish “would you rather” questions posed by the person who tagged you (I’ll be using the questions Howling Library posed to the blogs they tagged) and then you ask a set of new questions for the people you tag. I’ll be tagging both some bloggers I follow and some BookTubers, as I’ll be giving my answers in both places.
Ready? Let’s go! My BookTube rendition in embedded here and my written responses are below.
1. Would you rather a series you love never get its final book, or have its final book with an ending you dislike?
That’s a tough question, because I feel like that’s exactly where we’re at with The King Killer Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. He published The Name of the Wind in 2007, The Wise Man’s Fear in 2011, and we’ve been waiting for book three ever since. It’s meant to be a trilogy that launches a larger literary universe. We’ve had short stories since 2007, but not in the last 5 or 6 years. We got the novella The Slow Regard of Silent Things in 2014, but it didn’t further the story. We’re at a point where a lot of fans are now calling the main books a duology and vowing not to read The Door of Stone even if it ever does come out. Am I one of those people? No, I’ll probably read it. Will I be disappointed if it sucks? Heck yes, but I honestly won’t be surprised. I truly don’t think Rothfuss enjoys writing now that it’s his job, and that may reflect in his work when he finally turns something in.
So answer the question already, right? I think even if The Door of Stone is really disappointing I would regret not reading it and never getting that ending to the saga, even if it’s not what I’m hoping for. I’m a completionist. I would rather the series has a bad ending than no ending at all.
2. Would you rather your favorite series get a cheesy adaptation with the perfect cast, or an otherwise good adaptation with a cast you hate?
Good adaptation with a less perfect cast, for sure. I can let go of who the actors are (or what they look like) if the adaptation itself is really good. I’m assuming that the actors are good/skilled actors and I hate the cast for other reasons, because if they suck at acting it wouldn’t be a good adaptation.
3. Would you rather cry at every book you read, or never feel strong emotions about any book you read?
I’m an emotional woman and I’m not ashamed of it! Make me cry, bring it on! Most good books do at some point anyway.
4. Would you rather meet your favorite author or your favorite character?
I’ve already met my favourite author and I can’t possibly pick one favourite character, so let’s go with the cop-out answer of already done: meet the author. I met Robert J. Sawyer during his book tour for Wonder in 2011 when he spoke and signed at the Vancouver Public Library in BC.
5. Would you rather every book you read have romance, or never read a book with a romance again?
Another tough question! I don’t mind romance as part of another genre, but I usually don’t reach for the romance genre itself, so I’d have to say I’d rather never read a romance plot again than only read romance.
6. Would you rather read a book with a great plot and unlikable characters, or a boring plot and amazing characters?
I always say a good plot will keep me in a book regardless of the characters, so that’s my answer, but I would like to point out that I’m also the sort of reader who doesn’t mind a little pointless hanging out with great characters. That said, no, I don’t want to read a book that’s just hanging out with characters. It does need a plot, and the plot does need to move.
7. Would you rather visit any bookish world you want, but only for an hour, or only visit one bookish world, but stay as long as you want?
Give me fire elemental powers, drop me in Mercedes Lackey’s mid-20th century Europe, and leave me there forever!
8. Would you rather never blog again, or have to post a blog post every single day?
I already do blog every day, just about!
9. Would you rather give up your blog and keep all bookish social media, or keep your blog and leave all bookish social media?
It would be a lot harder to network without social media, but I see the other platforms as an extension of my blog, not the other way around, so I would rather keep my blog.
10. Would you rather read outside on a sunny day, or inside on a rainy day?
I’d rather read inside on a rainy day, because if I’m outside on a sunny day so is my toddler, and that means I’m not getting more than a page read at once!
* * *
Your Turn!
My questions:
- Would you rather only buy new books at full price from now on but be able to get them as soon as they release, or only buy used and bargain books but never get anything within 6 months of publication?
- You can only read one format from now on: physical, ebook, or audio. Which would you rather be stuck with?
- Would you rather be forced to skip the first chapter or ever book you read, or the last?
- Would you rather only read one genre from now on, or only read from one particular publisher? Specify which genre or publisher you would pick.
- Would you rather only re-read books from now on but the ending will always be a surprise, or never be allowed to re-read ever again?
- Would you rather be forced to watch every film or TV adaptation ever made of books you have read, or be forced to read every print adaptation spawned from every original film or TV franchise you watch? Option 2 includes fanfic that gets published in print or ebook.
- Would you rather only have your favourite bookmark forever and be guaranteed never to lose it, or have an endless supply of free bookmarks but lose them constantly?
- Would you rather listen to an audiobook narrated by the author or by someone else? (A perfectly acceptable non-answer is that all audiobooks should be narrated by Neil Gaiman.)
- Would you rather only read alone, or always have your pet around but they’ll always get in the way at least one every time you sit down to read?
- Would you rather be known for your book reviews but never acknowledged by a single author, or make friends with every author you rate 4 or 5 stars but never gain much of a review following?
For bloggers I tag…
- Storme Reads a Lot
- The Shaddy Shepherd
- That Happy Reader
- The Bookwyrm’s Den
- Rae’s Reads and Reviews
- …and whoever else wants to answer my 10 questions!
For BookTubers I tag…
- Mariah M (Twiiter @MariahNotes)
- ReadWithAnsu (Twitter @ReadWithAnsu)
- Plums & Books (Twitter @plumsandbooks)
- Bunny Cake’s Tomes of Endless Wonder (Twitter @BunnyCakesMB)
- The Molly Show (Twitter @classiclits)
- …and whoever else wants to answer my 10 questions!
Thank you so much for tagging me! I love your questions 😀 I’m a super emotional reader too so if a book doesn’t make me cry, there’s usually an issue with that book