Welcome to the March 25th stop on the blog tour for Blood of The Dragonfly by Hawk MacKinney, organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Be sure to follow the rest of the tour for excerpt spotlights, reviews, other author guest/interview spots, and a giveaway! More on that at the end of this post.
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Author Guest Post
The Magic of Writing
An author and the process of writing in is a very private and individual thing. There is no one process that fits all, or a right and wrong way to do it. Whatever works for a writer at any given time is the correct way. I have discovered over the years that people who like to talk about writing a book usually don’t ever get the book written. They seem to get satisfaction from letting others know that they are “going to write a book.” They don’t have a process. It is the writer who doesn’t talk about writing a book who actually accomplishes it. Their focus is on the writing itself—the process of creating their story—rather than any false accolades they might receive. The process of writing requires self-discipline, exhausting research, and sweat-producing editing before the manuscript can be considered ready to submit. Then, if a writer is fortunate enough to find a publisher and the book actually gets published, there is the marketing that requires tireless energy, imagination, and a good attitude. In some cases a publisher will have a budget that can be used toward marketing. But in most cases, especially for first-time or new authors, the marketing is left entirely up to the author. Writers who want to write a book because they expect lucrative movie deals, numerous awards and recognition, and unlimited financial success are only deluding themselves. A writer must first have the passion to write, the ability to withstand rejection, and perseverance. Then, with any luck, success will come.
Hawk MacKinney
About the Book

Blood of The Dragonfly
by Hawk MacKinney
Published 16 February 2021
Genre: Mystery/Suspense
Page Count: 231
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While dangling a fishing hook from his flat bottom skiff before dawn, former SEAL-turned-PI Craige Ingram spots grey-black smoke coiling above the treetops across the river in the direction of the Georgia bayous and Corpsewood Manor. Bayou or bogs, fire in the uncut cypress and pines bodes a sense that the river is no barrier to the fire that threatens his ancestral home, Moccasin Hollow. Neither are the bodies later found in the burned mansion of Corpsewood Manor. Craige wastes no time in helping his ex-SEAL buddy Lt. Graysen MacGerald who is now Head of Buckingham Homicide Investigations by unofficially investigating the bodies and an exquisite dragonfly brooch found in the mansion with a reputation for evil, hauntings, and mystery.
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“How many times you got to be told to stay away from this place?” Clenched fist, a threatening stomp through the ashes and rubble of Corpsewood toward Kenyon, was no bluff.
Kenyon said, “Ain’t got no other place ‘cept them leaky sheds behind the garage. Least before the fire, I had a place to sleep. Got kicked out of my other place.”
“I’ll just bet they let your sweet cheeks sleepover. You’re just the kind of meat they liked to sucker in.”
“Now I got no place, an’ nights are gettin’ colder.”
“Get a job. Quit blowing your money, and you’d have a place of your own. They the ones that hooked you on crystal?”
Kenyon whined, “I told you. I don’t do drugs.”
Steady raven-black gaze, “Cut the crap. Ever’body’s heard all your stories. Out’a your mouth never been nothing but pity-me mewling.” Between a snarl and a chuckle, “I suppose you never done meth, push crank up your nose—whatever’s on the streets to stoke in your arms.” Glanced at the needle tracks on both arms, “Or running out’a veins in your arms and using the ones in your ankles. Wash your stringy, greasy hair; take a bath, stop acting like some mangy animal.”
“I don’t snort crystal or Nazi dope,” Kenyon griped. “You’re like ever’body else, judging someone by the way we live.”
“I don’t care what you’re on, but anyone fool enough to supply you is askin’ for trouble if that goddamn homicide Lieutenant MacGerald starts nosing around, asking questions. And his friggin’ PI SEAL mate Ingram helpin’ him is worse.”
Kenyon wiped his nose across the grimy grunge sleeve of his jacket. “If you hadn’t torched the house, I’d still have me a place.”
Knotted a fist in Kenyon’s jacket, “Buttin’ into stuff that don’t concern you ain’t good for your health. I ain’t telling you again. I didn’t start no fire. I don’t know who did, but if I find out, they won’t be startin’ no more fires.”
Kenyon squinched his face, “Ever’body always puts the blame on me.” Didn’t want no cops finding out he’d done a couple of torch-for-insurance.
Yanked Kenyon eyeball to eyeball closer, “Don’t give me shit, and don’t make trouble. Get your ass off from around Corpsewood Manor, and don’t let me catch you around here again.” Shoved Kenyon backwards against charred support beams.
About the Author

Hawk MacKinney began writing mysteries for his school newspaper, served in the US Navy for over 20 years, earned two postgraduate degrees with studies in languages and history, taught postgraduate courses in the United States and Jerusalem, authored professional articles and chordate embryology texts on fetal and adult anatomy, and is well known for his works of fiction. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel, was nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award. Both his CAIRNS OF SANCTUARIE science fiction series and the MOCCASIN HOLLOW MYSTERY series have received worldwide recognition.
Giveaway Alert!
Hawk MacKinney will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes & Noble gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveawayMarch 22 | Rogue’s Angels |
March 22 | Welcome to My World of Dreams |
March 23 | All the Ups and Downs |
March 23 | Lisa Haselton’s Reviews and Interviews |
March 24 | The Avid Reader |
March 25 | Westveil Publishing |
March 26 | The Reading Addict |
March 29 | Novels Alive |
March 30 | Author C.A.Milson |
March 31 | Andi’s Book Reviews |
March 31 | Our Town Book Reviews |
April 1 | The Phantom Paragrapher |
April 2 | Long and Short Reviews |
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An intriguing cover, synopsis and excerpt, this sounds like a thrilling read. Thank you for sharing your book and author details and for offering a giveaway
Bea LAROCCA – You’re welcome to the share/giveaway with just a hint of author details. The graphic artists of our marketing team are amazing. This writer wishes he could claim the synopsis & excerpt as mine, but it ain’t so. Those kudos go to my Lit. Agent & her group…synopsis & excerpt are way beyond mo’betta. Hope U get caught in the twists & turns of character & plot.
Hawk MacK
Thank you for hosting!
You’re welcome!
Westveil Publishing — Thank you for hosting Blood of the Dragonfly, Book-5 in the Moccasin Hollow Mystery Series – it is much appreciated. Book-6 in the mystery series is in final edit as well as the working draft of the next sci-fi title in that series. An earlier prequel title, Moccasin Trace, is a historical romance, establishing the bloodline(s) of serial protagonist Craige Ingram in the Moccasin Hollow series.
Hawk MacKinney
You’re welcome!
I’m looking forward to checking this one out!
Victoria ALEXANER – Welcome again – hope U like it –
This sounds like a very good book.